“Unsettled: Seeking Refuge in America” follows the stories of LGBT refugees and asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East as they flee persecution in their countries of origin to seek better and safer lives in the U.S.
I am shocked we as a society still dehumanize and devalue the lives of those who are different. Can you believe that in more than 70 countries it is illegal to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender? Some of these countries even enforce the death penalty. I’m not surprised since Trump came into office, the number of refugees seeking asylum in the United States has decreased by 70% making it difficult for those whose lives are in danger to seek safety here.
This film follows four refugees who fled their own country after enduring unbearable harassment by their community, families, and even terrorist groups. Junior, Mari, Cheyenne, and Subhi were granted asylum in the US and found safety in San Francisco, which is considered the epicenter of the LGBTQ community worldwide. With a new life, they discover personal challenges as they are forced to deal with practical realities of life which include finding employment and making it on their own. While some found it most difficult, Subhi became an activist, sharing his story worldwide about the horrors he faced being a gay man in Syria. He since has become a face of hope helping others around the world in the LGBTQ community seek refuge.
This is truly an aspiring story bringing awareness to serious global issues we still have surrounding those who do not identify as straight. We definitely have a long way to go but as more and more stories are being told I feel we are going in the right direction.
Streaming via WORLD Channel and PBS.org June 28 – July 12