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Movie Review: “The Overnight” Is An Entertaining, No-Bars-Held Comedy


Alex, Emily, and their son, RJ, are new to Los Angeles. A chance meeting at the park introduces them to the mysterious Kurt, Charlotte, and Max. A family “playdate” becomes increasingly interesting as the night goes on.

“The Overnight” is a racy, sexual comedy that is interspersed with so many of those awkwardly embarrassing, cringe-worthy scenes that it actually works. The four characters were perfect for their roles. Alex (Adam Scott) and Emily (Taylor Schillling), new to the hip city of L.A., meet the wildly cool Kurt (Jason Schwartzman) at the park where their children easily bond. Before we know it, they are invited for a welcome dinner and that’s where it all gets a little weird.

Enter Charlotte (Judith Godreche), the beautiful French wife of Kurt. She is stunning, their house is a mansion, and Kurt is genius. All seems perfect…a little too perfect. So when Emily and Alex show up for their welcome dinner the surprises and laughs ensue.

Schilling is able to pull off the role as the sensible wife and it’s not difficult to find her in this sexual situation especially if you are familiar with her sitcom. Schwartzman is the showman of this film, easily able to be the modish trend-setter with his unusual hobbies and career. His character easily offsets that of Scott’s self-conscious and awkward Kurt. Godreche is unassuming in her beauty and we’re surprised to learn about her sexual dissatisfaction. This occurs in a scene that I didn’t feel was particular relevant and the information could have been delivered in a way that made more sense. Who drives off drunk and stoned, in the middle of a dinner party no less, to satisfy some random man? Nevertheless, the film had a delightfully enjoyable vibe from beginning to end.

Let me emphasize that this is a comedy that loves to make the audience uncomfortable but in a funny, overtly sexual sort of way that will either garnish a guffaw of a laugh or a moan of pure mortification that leaves you blushing yet desperate to know how this night will end.

“The Overnight” may not be for everyone. Know what you’re getting into before you see it as there are scenes with Alex and Kurt, which albeit hilarious, might have you running for a milder, gentler comedy. This is an entertaining, no-bars-held comedy that is harmless fun and great for those laugh out loud scenes.

In select theaters June 26th


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