Movie Reviews

Movie Review: “Rewind” Is Shocking And Important In Giving A Voice To Victims Of Sexual Abuse


Digging through the vast collection of his father’s home videos, a young man reconstructs the unthinkable story of his boyhood and exposes vile abuse passed through generations.

Sexual abuse is one of the most horrific crimes silently affecting men, women, and children and because it’s ridden with shame, the victims often force themselves into silence. The pain and trauma of those suffering the aftermath of abuse are often shoved under the rug especially by family members and those closest to them. In this deeply personal story, director Sasha Joseph Neulinger bravely returns to his childhood not only confronting his family but trying to make sense of his life answering deeper questions about himself he could never seem to understand. With years of home videos, Sasha, along with his family and therapist open up about his sexual abuse, when it all began and how he can continue to heal.

Sasha’s abuse was not a one-time incident. We discover that his father’s brother had been abusing him and his sister continuously, but one of the most shocking reveals of all lies in the unraveling of his father’s childhood he never mentioned, not even to his wife. The uncle that abused Sasha and his sister is the same one who sexually abused his father as well. Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, we find out that the abuse had been generational, trickling down all three brothers from the eldest. This is one of the most poignant and disturbing stories that you will forever think about. This film brings a powerful voice and so much needed awareness to victims of sexual abuse who are often shamed and silenced. I also believe it offers a small possibility of compassion for the abuser as well. We are, however, left with the burning question of where the eldest brother learned this behavior. The grandfather, unfortunately, is never confronted.


Available on VOD May 8th and on PBS’ “Independent Lens” May 11th

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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.