Movie Reviews

Movie Review: Isabella Eklöf’s “Holiday” Is Filled With Fun, Sun And Blood For A Dour Yet Intriguing Tale


A love triangle featuring the trophy girlfriend of a petty drug lord caught up in a web of luxury and violence in a modern dark gangster tale set in the beautiful port city of Bodrum on the Turkish Riviera.

“Holiday” is the sun-soaked thriller debut from Swede Isabella Eklöf with a standout lead performance from Danish actor Victoria Carmen Sonne. Sonne plays Sascha, a bleach blonde young woman under the thumb of her controlling low-level drug dealer boyfriend Michael (Lai Yde). Michael has arranged for them and his henchmen’s family to vacation on the Turkish Riviera in the ancient port city of Bodrum. Bodrum is currently like many resort towns which are a mix of natural gorgeous beauty and tacky unfettered overdevelopment. Sascha is unhappy with her relationship. Michael toxically rules over his henchmen and he’s really into rough non-consensual sex with Sascha. He beats the crap out of his one henchman for some unknown misstep. This punishment leads to a darkly humorous scene where Sascha sits with the kids blasting the TV to cover the beating taking place in the other room.

One day out alone, Sascha meets a charming Dutchman named Thomas (Thijs Römer). He gave up his suit and tie corporate life trading sales for sails and now lives on his great little boat. (Funny thing, the origin of his boat is my childhood hometown The Hague, Netherlands).

From here the story develops unpredictably and is for the most part engaging. Technically speaking the film’s sound design is great, the uncompromising sun is well lit and there are some fantastic long takes. The angles and patient shots are almost clinically perfected, at times akin to Kubrick. The tension rarely lets up and I have to say I’m really looking forward to more films from the director and three leads.

Trigger warning though, there is a rape scene and it’s one of the most graphic scenes I’ve ever witnessed. I can’t disparage the intention since it’s such an atrocious act that obviously is shocking to see.

Available on DVD & VOD February 26th


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Eamon Tracy

Based in Philadelphia, Eamon lives and breathes movies and hopes there will be more original concepts and fewer remakes!