A documentary featuring interviews with 100 influential women from around the world.
“Femme: Women Healing the World” is a film that is nothing but new-age clap-trap that gives the ruse that if women and men can become equal forces then the world will be a better place. However, the real premise of this film is to man-bash and promote the liberal agenda of the war on women.
The film begins with the theory that many centuries ago, women held the power and the world was a matriarch. Things shifted and we have, sadly, grown into a patriarchal society. This has become the detriment of all bad things that have ever happened including war. Oh yes, my friend, this was also heavy on the anti-war message. It quickly shifts to these snippets of women spouting things about the yin and yang of masculinity and femininity, women as the voice of consciousness, and men bringing us to the brink of extinction.
It is scary for me to think that there are women out there that actually think like this and promote this radical nonsense. Let me just give a few examples of the outrageous claims that are made from these “important” women such as yoga teachers and life coaches. It was said that men’s mentality could destroy the world. Men have also raped the earth of fossil fuels, destroyed ecosystems, and successfully tipped the earth into a “hot age.” Wow! They have? One lady said she is teaching her son to use his penis for good and not evil. Not sure if her son’s penis has a little Hitler mustache or what but that was a peculiar statement for a mother to make about her child. Another lady spoke about her concern that we need to re-educate ourselves as we are surrounded by people that continually tell us that we have no value. Hmmm…I’ve never been told that I have no value..ever! What gets me is that these women take the task of speaking for every woman on our earth and I was offended by much of what they said.
This would not be fully radical without mention of organized religion as one women’s studies professor describes the horrible things that have been done in the name of religion (and of course, it’s a Christian cross that the screen cuts toward.) An all-knowing life coach states God is not male but is “all gendering.” Muslims, however, are apparently the only ones that got it right because they acknowledge both the male and female during prayers.
There are plugs for the basic right for everyone to be entitled to health insurance, gun control, wealth redistribution and a plug about greedy Americans. According to this film, women are already so much further advanced then their stupid male counterpart that if women were ever to become equal then there would be no war and the social conscience of the world would be that of peace, love, rainbows, and unicorns.
There is truly oppression of women in this world and it is horrific! But to exploit that American women can lay claim to the same plight is frankly embarrassing. One lady lamented how disgusted she gets stating men think women are dumb and say things like, “Now, don’t worry your pretty little head.” Another states we, as women, are told to “put a bra on our beauty.” I’m not even sure what that means but, yep, that is right up there with those countries that practice female genital mutilation.
One of the more laughable moments was the snippet from the adult film actress who said men were intimidated by her “not because I do porn but because I own my own business.” Isn’t this just a bit contradictory about the film’s message?
This film is “important” because it lays claim that the rise of women to equal partnership with men is the most significant event of the last 5,000 years. It is THAT important! Because last time I checked there has been a whole lot of important stuff that happened in the last 5,000 years. “Men are just waiting,” declares a woman. “Take us by the hand…show us the right way.” The entire film had me cringing that these are the so-called spokeswomen for us. If you’re into the liberal thing—go for it. Otherwise, it’s not worth your time.
Available to view on GOOGLE PLAY and DVD