“Comedy Warriors: Healing Through Humor” follows five severely wounded Iraq/Afghanistan veterans who are given the opportunity to explore their experiences through the healing power of humor. The film follows their journey as they work with professional comedy writers, and A-List comedians: Zach Galifianakis, Lewis Black, Bob Saget, and B.J. Novak, who help them write and perform their own personal stand-up comedy routines.
“Comedy Warriors: Healing Through Humor” is a journey from pain, tough times to an escape of comedy and for a time healing. It is a feel good film about wounded warriors overcoming their wounds to shine in comedy clubs. The documentary also shows what it takes to come up with a successful standup routine. The comedy is funny and will make you laugh. The pain and wounds of the veterans in the film may never go away. However, for a little while the awkwardness of their injuries and their pain dissipates. Through comedy they do find some healing even if it is just for a little while.
The comedy stage takes the awkward stares away from their scars as the spotlight directs to the comedy. The crowd laughter makes the awkwardness of seeing someone with these injuries disappear too. The coaching from comedians Bob Saget, Zach Galifianakis, B.J. Novak and Lewis Black help turn these veterans into stars. However, the dedication, work, and heart the warriors put into making the comedy reminds everyone what made them honorable in the military.
At 74 minutes the film makes a nice documentary. The film shares the veteran’s stories, clips of coaching, rehearsing, and performing. It also shows a glimpse of what was to come for these wounded warriors and budding comedians. A lot of the humor was for a mature audience which is expected. As fans of entertainment we do take for granted the time performers practice, rehearse, and create material so it was nice to see behind the scenes. They impressed their experienced comedy coaches and venue managers who have seen a lot of talent. The comedy they shared was real like the conditions they were overcoming. The glimpses of the stage shows were a nice tease that left me longing to see their full routines!
The project is worthwhile. The documentary shares a positive story. They gave up so much in the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan. Body parts, occupations, and pain free living were some of what they gave up. They gained an awkwardness of how to function at home, interact with others, and find a place in society. The film captures their journey. “Comedy Warriors: Healing Through Humor” is a film that will make you appreciate our veterans, take a look at ourselves and heal together! Through comedy these warriors find a place and do heal!
Available to view on GOOGLE PLAY and DVD
Wonderful review!