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Movie Review: “Cam Girlz” Is Captivating


“Cam Girlz” enters the world of webcam sex workers who find economic freedom, empowerment, intimacy and creative self expression from the comfort of their own homes.

“Cam Girlz” is a documentary that enters the world of internet sex workers. Director Sean Dunne takes us into the lives of 39 women where we get a chance to see how being a cam girl helps them find economic freedom, empowerment, intimacy and creative self expression from the comfort and safety of their own homes. “Cam Girlz” is Mr. Dunne’s second full length documentary. His first, “Oxyana,” premiered and was given best documentary awards at last year’s Tribecca Film Festival. Mr. Dunne was given the honor of best new documentary director. When asked why he chose documentary films to direct and create, Sean explained that the beauty of a documentary is in the process of digging deep and feeling the truth you want to portray.

After seeing “Cam Girlz,” I am in awe of how very talented Sean Dunne is. The 39 women who give us a look into what being a cam girl sex worker is like, left me feeling completely connected to the freedom, independence and tenacity that drives them. The film also made me worry about how many women who do this suffer from low self esteem and depression. One of the girls talks about being on the verge of a psychotic break down when her web cam business takes a financial dip for a few weeks. Several discuss how being a cam girl is a chance to be exactly who you are, while others express feelings of leading a double life, or even being bipolar because of what they do for a living.

The amount of money that can be made as a cam girl surprised me. One woman claimed to earn $60,000 a year working 10 – 15 hours a week, and said that the top 20 cam girls earn $75,000 a month. Surprisingly, only about 20% of all clients are repeat customers. The remaining 80% are one time visitors. A repeating sentiment amongst all of the women in the film was that they are entertainers and companions for the clients that subscribe to their sites and tip them during their air time. A deep running thread was that of feeling free to express sexuality outside the confines of mainstream society. One woman is quoted as saying, “I am giving up society’s blessing on my life, but getting absolute freedom.”

There was no “type” of women who are cam girls. “Cam Girlz” shows us young single girls paying for college with their cam money, a professional career women using cam time to express herself, a stay at home mom who helps support her family, a middle aged widow who fills a sexual and emotional need with her cam time and several women who have turned their back on the conventional norm to live a free spirited lucrative cam life. The viewpoint of 4 men is included in the documentary. A recurring thread as to why they visit cam girls is the companionship aspect of it. One gentleman explains that his shyness leaves him feeling lonely and cut off from the world. He describes the cam girls as therapists who get naked.

All four men talk about how cam girls let the men explore what they’re into without commitment or fear of getting hurt. Ultimately, I was surprised at how much a part of the women’s lives I became invested in. Bravo Mr. Dunne. You made me take a step back, put aside my preconceptions and feel a little deeper. Would I ever want to be a cam girl? Probably not. Do I have a new respect for them? Without a doubt.

“Cam Girlz” is now available for preorder and will premiere on Vimeo On Demand on February 14th


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