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Movie Review: “Breath Of Life” Is A Breath Of Fresh Air


A chance to stop fooling ourselves about who we are and where we are going.

“Breath of Life” is that rare documentary that sets out to achieve a desired objective and accomplishes it successfully. There are literally thousands of documentaries that embody a multitude of various subject matters, you name it and it’s probably already been covered but with “Breath of Life,” the film talks about mankind, where we came from and where we’re going. And not just human beings but literally everything on the planet’s surface, from animals and marine life to trees and plants and of course, the one source of sustenance absolutely no living creature can do without: water.

It’s not often you hear a film criticize all of mankind because we are all in this thing called life together, whether we like it or not. With global warming enveloping our planet as a result of technology that we have created and continue to use, it’s no wonder mother nature is pissed off at us and correspondingly, the planet is suffering from unprecedented super storms and natural disasters that will only get worse over time. We entered the atomic age in 1945 and thought we were invincible but Sellafield, Chernobyl and the Three Mile Island nuclear explosion sure enlightened us.

Scientists, physicists and analysts have been telling us for decades, what we need to do in order to preserve the lives of our children and grandchildren and of the earth itself, so that they can all have a viable and habitable planet they can truly call home but we all live in the here and now and somehow, we always manage to fool ourselves into thinking that everything will be okay and it will all work itself out. It’s good to be optimistic but being overconfident and presumptuous is something mankind has still not learned from. Anyone remember the “Unsinkable Titanic?”

Or the loss of the NASA space shuttle Challenger in 1986 which could have been prevented had it not been for the “inflated confidence” of human beings? Mankind is a fascinating species but it is also very slow to adapt, especially when it needs to. In the state of Nevada, water is a scarcity, especially for the farmers who need it in order to survive and for their farmlands to thrive but every time Las Vegas builds a new casino and hotel, water is diverted to that property because everyone knows that it will make a lot of money but as a direct result, the state’s natural resources are being diminished.

When all of the crops and livestock perish as a result of having no water, what do we do then? We have no more meat, no more crops, no more vegetables, and what will all of that money accomplish then? It won’t be able to produce water, that’s for sure. “Breath of life” covers a multitude of concerns that are occurring around the world today, and what’s more, they are issues that we as a collective society, can combat together, if only we could put our differences aside and realize that if we continue to do nothing about them today, there won’t be any of us left around tomorrow. Very Highly Recommended.

Available now on VOD


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James McDonald

Originally from Dublin, Ireland, James is a Movie Critic with 40 years of experience in the film industry as an Award-Winning Filmmaker. He is also a member of the Critics Choice Association and the Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association.