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Movie Review: “Avenging The Throne” Saves Its Best For Last


A group of five surviving soldiers in the late 1300’s are returning home, however along the journey they encounter an unforeseen turn of events.

“Avenging the Sword” starts out well and finishes strong. The undertaking of creating an epic, blockbuster fantasy movie on a budget is an ambitious task. The film makes a great effort with some creative ideas but falls short on the task.

The opening scene was fantastic. The guys on horseback chasing the mother and child through a field, music fitting the moment, and action. A lot of mysteries and a lot of directions the film could go are presented. Instead of answering the questions the story jumps twenty years into the future for the next scene.

The battle field scene creates a strong visual image. The audience is introduced to the lead character and their band of colleagues. They begin their journey home and the adventure begins. There is a bit of the lull until the duel scene. The dialog could have been better.

In the castle the action comes to an end. More action would have helped. The background scenery in the film is one of the movie’s strengths. The market scene for example is well done. The film has room for improvement. A better script, perhaps more of a love story, and more action would help the film achieve more.

Andrei Claude who portrays Tristan of Leon is easily the film’s best actor. Henry Zammit Cordina puts in a mentionable performance as Lord William. The costumes, set, and scenery work well to place the film in a historic setting. The storyline is familiar and predictable. However, the movie does have some twists and creative surprises.

“Avenging the Sword” clearly saves the best for the last. The viewer is rewarded for making it to the end. Constant action. Finally an epic battle. A bit of gore, horror and romance. If the rest of the movie was like this it might have been the epic blockbuster. The film ends a little awkward though, however, the finale shows the film had potential.

The film makes you wish for more. Pretty scenery and a fantastic finish is not enough to make the movie rise above the other films in its field. The historic, fantasy action has a lot of competition which leaves “Avenging the Sword” lost in the stacks.

Available to watch on GOOGLE PLAY and DVD


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Rebecca Black
8 years ago

Great review!