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Movie Review: “A Gift Horse” Is An Animal-Loving, Relationship-Building Piece Of Work


Torn apart by the loss of her mother, young Amanda spends time at a ranch owned by a business tycoon. When his spoiled daughter rejects their new horse, Amanda proves that Misty is a true champion and restores her own happiness in the process.

I love animals, children and inspirational stories. Combining all three elements in one film is definitely a great idea and would seemingly have all the ingredients for a successful project. Unfortunately, too much of any one thing, even if it is good, can be detrimental. Director Teddy Smith is obviously great at putting together a cast of realistic characters who imitate life as many of us deal with on a daily basis, such as surviving divorce and dealing with adolescence, peer pressure, sickness, death and the growing pains of rebuilding families. Too many relationships, with too much controversy is overkill in this film and takes away from the heart-warming story of saving a horse.

Ten year old Amanda (Kyla Kenedy) is dealing with the aftermath in the death of her mother and the acceptance of her father Norman’s (Tony Senzamici) new girlfriend, Tiffany (Candi Brooks) who is trying unsuccessfully to gain Amanda’s trust. Local businessman and horse enthusiast, Mr. Canton (John Schneider), is also suffering from the breakup of his marriage and the rebellion of his teenage daughter, who after a life of being a show horse rider, is no longer interested. Horse Trainers Avery (Delano Holmes) and Charlotte (Madeline Thelton), have worked for Mr. Canton for years and serve as the buffer between both girls, their families and their horses.

As part of Amanda’s healing, Mr. Canton has given her the responsibility of getting former champion horse, Misty (Hale Bopp), back up to speed after a breakdown that threatens her life. With Charlotte and Avery giving personal feedback and inspiration, Amanda and Veterinarian, Dr. Davis (Brittanie Van Dyke) work together to bring Misty back into the fold of being a champion horse. At home, Amanda’s father tries to assure her that winning isn’t everything and in spite of his moving on with his relationship with Tiffany, he wants her to realize that they are both suffering from the same loss. At the same time, Charlotte, Tiffany Avery, child-friend Thomas and Mr. Canton are dealing with issues of inadequacy and trying to find ways to cope with their own personal situations.

If Misty and Amanda steal your heart early in the film, it will be easier to remain focused on both of their recoveries due to involvement with each other. Staying true to the animal-loving plot will allow a buffer between all the dysfunction that jockeys for undeserved attention. Go see the film, with blinders, as it appeals to all ages and is entertaining in spite of its flaws.

Available now on DVD and VOD


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Tracee Bond

Tracee is a movie critic and interviewer who was born in Long Beach and raised in San Diego, California. As a Human Resource Professional and former Radio Personality, Tracee has parlayed her interviewing skills, interest in media, and crossover appeal into a love for the Arts and a passion for understanding the human condition through oral and written expression. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and considers it a privilege to be complimented for the only skill she has been truly able to master without formal training!