Over the course of ten days and 435 miles, an unbreakable bond is forged between pro adventure racer Michael Light (Mark Wahlberg) and a scrappy street dog companion dubbed Arthur. Based on an incredible true story, “Arthur the King” follows Light, desperate for one last chance to win, as he convinces a sponsor to back him and a team of athletes (Simu Liu, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Ali Suliman) for the Adventure Racing World Championship in the Dominican Republic. As the team is pushed to their outer limits of endurance in the race, Arthur redefines what victory, loyalty and friendship truly mean.
Starring Mark Wahlberg, Simu Liu, Juliet Rylance, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Ali Suliman, with Bear Grylls as Himself, and Paul Guilfoyle.
Based upon the book ‘Arthur: The Dog Who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Home’ by Mikael Lindnord.
Produced by Tucker Tooley, Mark Canton, Courtney Solomon, Tessa Tooley, Mark Wahlberg, and Stephen Levinson.
Directed by Simon Cellan Jones.
In Theaters Friday, March 22nd, 2024
Will “Arthur the King” be showing in Irish Cinemas ?
I don’t know, Cormac, I only promote films showing in the U.S.