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Gravitas Ventures Signs Horror Soap Opera “Hell Town”

Gravitas Ventures has acquired domestic VOD rights for Steve Balderson’s festival favorite “Hell Town.” Presented as three episodes of a sadistic twist on Masterpiece Theater, Balderson (“Firecracker,” “The Casserole Club”) and co-director Elizabeth Spear have carved up a serialized story filled with catfights, cliffhangers, broken hearts and murder.

Since the world premiere sponsored by the Austin Horror Society and Alamo Drafthouse, “Hell Town” has made audiences and critics laugh and scream, picking up awards for Best Feature at Colorado Horror-Con, as well as a Best Feature and Best Actress win for Amanda Deibert, with nominations for Best Actor, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Cinematography, at the Crimson Scream Horror Film Festival.

Debbie Rochon (“Model Hunger,” “Return to Nuke ‘Em High,” “The Theater Bizarre”) headlines as the hostess of the three surviving episodes of “Hell Town,” following the melodramatic and potentially short-lived lives of Krysten Day, Amanda Deibert, Owen Lawless, Ben Windholz, Jennifer Grace and Balderson muse Pleasant Gehman.

“Hell Town” follows the melodramatic antics of high school seniors clashing over love, sex, and betrayal. In the middle of all the everyday drama of one-sided infatuations, backstabbing bitchiness, bottled-up sexuality, sibling rivalry and general small-town angst, the Letter Jacket Killer is killing students in a variety of sadistic ways. As the body count rises and the blood pools closer to home, it becomes clear that one of our main characters is the killer. Everyone, from the prom queen and shirtless jock to the nosey geek and the super bitch, are all suspects in the carnage.

"HELL TOWN" soap opera slasher – teaser from Steve Balderson on Vimeo.

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James McDonald

Originally from Dublin, Ireland, James is a Movie Critic with 40 years of experience in the film industry as an Award-Winning Filmmaker. He is also a member of the Critics Choice Association and the Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association.