Book Reviews

Book Review: Laura Lipman Delivers A Plethora Of Wonderful Stories In ‘Seasonal Work’


In a suspenseful collection of stories featuring fierce women — including one never-before-published novella — New York Times bestseller, Laura Lippman showcases why she is one of today’s top crime writers.

In ‘Seasonal Work,’ author Laura Lippman presents her readers with 12 short stories. They are very clever, extremely well written, and without any pretense, keep you entwined to your armchair, bed, or whatever place you snuggle up to read. It is exceptionally wide-ranging in its content and I found myself walking along the edge of the world, taking snapshots of people in various situations from the young to the old. The stories are divided up into four parts and you will get an inkling of the subjects by the titles themselves.


  • I love “The Book Thing” in Part One, I love books, and the way the living and the dying of beloved books is portrayed, almost made me cry. It is a very unusual story, and you will love it.
  • In Part 2, we have three stories with disparate characters and I must confess, “Cougar” was my favorite. The issue is, I wanted more. Every character introduced was wonderfully drawn and you felt for the fate that would befall those who took advantage of the Cougar.
  • In Part 3, “Five Fires” allows you to see life through the eyes of the young and how life treats them, the hurt imposed without realizing it because the older generation encompasses their own lives and misery without thinking how their behavior destroys the heart and soul of the young.
  • “Just One More” in Part 4, was the most adult story told of all 12. It is clever and well-presented, and although I have only given a narrow report on my 4 favorites, the other stories were enjoyable and entertaining as well.


The overall picture of the world through the eyes and heart and soul of the female psyche is something that shows the mind of Laura Lippman. She is one terrific writer and I have no doubt you will find your own favorite story, ensconced in your own snuggle place to read. I claim the privilege of loving the stories that come from the mid of ladies like Laura Lippman, and I want more, please!


Available in Bookstores January 4th

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Ann McDonald

Ann is originally from Dublin, Ireland and currently lives in Dallas, Texas. She was the secretary to the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland for many years and is an avid book reader and reviewer.