After being struck by lightning, Barry Allen wakes up from his coma to discover he’s been given the power of super speed, becoming the next Flash, fighting crime in Central City.
The seventh season of “The Flash” continues from season six, which was cut short by the pandemic. The Iris being held captive in the mirror verse by Eve McCulloch is finally resolved with Iris returning home and Barry, who had lost his speed, regains it because of Wells. The new season sees lots of changes. Gone are Wells and Cisco, who left midway through. New cast members are added and the new season has Barry fighting against a new force, Godspeed, that he can’t quite conquer.
It also involves his family from the future returning to aid in the fight, or hamper it. On top of that, Barry and Iris are trying to have a baby with not much luck. Caitlin and Frost have a reckoning and the fate of Barry and the crew is on the line. Another solid season of battle with the good guys against the bad guys. The loss of Cisco and Wells hurt the season a bit but the action stories more than make up for it. The show has been renewed for an eighth season with a big cross-over event planned.
Now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital