An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company’s CEO from an idyllic but mysterious “wellness center” at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa’s miraculous treatments are not what they seem.
146 minutes of intensely creative suspense and magnificent storytelling. “A Cure For Wellness” took me on a blisteringly wild ride through a terrifying nightmare leaving me breathless and beyond chilled by the closing credits.
As Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) falls deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole searching for his company’s CEO, he becomes a patient of the “wellness” spa. Much like Alice with her Wonderland, Lockhart very quickly realizes that the people around him and the hospital itself, are not at all what they appear to be, but finds it impossible to leave. I found myself waiting to hear chords of The Eagles’ Hotel California to play in the background.
There is a predictability in the story, but it employs constant surprises and twists in how it is told. The use of vivid imagery and gothic settings makes the film both beautiful and grotesque. You want to look away, but find yourself unable to.
Scenes in the village down the mountain from where the wellness center is located, were disappointingly disjointed and gave the impression that they were an after-thought or just a result of bad editing. Not enough detail or dimension was given to this part of the movie in comparison with the rest of it. However, this is the only flaw I can give this amazing use of creative energy, thought, and filmmaking talent.
Although there is minimal gore, this psycho-thriller mystery is of an extremely adult nature. There is a considerable amount of nudity, adult situation, and a graphic rape scene. It is all done in context with the story, but definitely, respect it’s ‘R’ rating. NOT intended for younger audiences.
Several pivotal scenes are shot with a fish eye perspective adding an extra element of creepiness and a nightmarish veil. A must-see for anyone who appreciates the recent television smash “American Horror Story” series.
Now available on Digital HD and on Blu-ray & DVD Tuesday, June 6th