The animated story of Bambi, a young deer hailed as the ‘Prince of the Forest’ at his birth. As Bambi grows, he makes friends with the other animals of the forest, learns the skills needed to survive, and even finds love. One day, however, the hunters come, and Bambi must learn to be as brave as his father if he is to lead the other deer to safety.
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of “Bambi,” Disney is releasing a special copy of this classic coming of age tale. Despite releasing in 1942, this vintage story is still relevant today with valuable lessons for children. My favorite advice comes from the fluffy Thumper who shares this tidbit from his father, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” Other important lessons include everything from “Eat your veggies,” to “Life is harsh, be cautious and keep your eyes open,” as well as, “Loyalty to those you love.”
As spring settles in the forest, a young fawn prince is born. Every creature in the woods gathers around to celebrate the young deer’s birth. Bambi quickly makes friends with Thumper, a lovable, opinionated rabbit, a bashful skunk nicknamed Flower, and a wise old owl, who could be a hermit crab. Bambi learns all about life with his new friends in his first year. They learn about the terrible storms of summer, complete with an electric display of lightning. He learns about girls as he meets his first female fawn at the pond, and he learns about death as shots ring through the meadow. Before long, summer turns to autumn and then gives way to snow and ice. One of my favorite scenes is Thumper trying to help the young Bambi learn to skate across the frozen lake. Bambi learns another harsh lesson about life as man returns and takes down his mother leaving him with just his distant father to call family.
Winter moves forward into spring again, adamant to show the circle of life. Grown from tiny babies into the beginning of adulthood, the young animals fall for nature’s natural course as the girls show up in all their beauty, ready to entice the boys into love. Who could not be charmed by the adorable scenes of a “twitterpated” thumper proving how he earned his name, as he receives smooches from a lovely rabbit. Bambi falls for the young doe he had met the previous spring. Man returns to the forest to hunt, and the couple is separated. As the chase is on with dogs breathing down their heels, Bambi and his father work together to save the creatures of the forest from the ravages of mankind and a wildfire wreaks havoc on the woods. As the dangers temporarily die down, Bambi learns about the wonderful aspects of life as he and his gal welcome new additions into the world.
Children young and old will be enchanted by this delightful tale. If they are not, then have them watch the story anyways, because of the above-mentioned lessons to be learned. Disney has always put on wonderful shows, and “Bambi” is by far one of my favorites. As you can tell from above, Thumper is a favorite. I have called those in love for the first time “twitterpated” on more than one occasion. Add the word to your vocabulary and the movie to your collection, which will come with several extras, on this special anniversary edition.
Available on Walt Disney Signature Collection Blu-ray Tuesday, June 6th