Keir O’Donnell’s directorial debut, “Marmalade,” is an edge-of-the-seat crime-tinged romance tale that follows recently incarcerated Baron, who strikes up a friendship with cellmate Otis, a man with a well-versed history of prison breaks. As the pair hatch an escape plan together, Baron recalls the story of how he met Marmalade, the love of his life, …
Movie Review: “Mickey And The Bear” Probes The Prickly Underside Of A Dysfunctional Father-Daughter Relationship
Faced with the responsibility to take care of her addict, veteran father, headstrong teen Mickey Peck keeps her household afloat.
Oak Cliff Film Festival Review: “Never Goin’ Back” Won My Heart
[yasr_overall_rating] Jessie and Angela, high school dropouts, are taking a week off to chill at the beach. Too bad their house got robbed, rent’s due, they’re about to get fired, and they’re broke.
Blu-ray Review: “Death Wish” Shoots All The Right Notes
[yasr_overall_rating] A family man becomes a vigilante killing machine when his family is violently attacked by robbers.
Movie Review: “Death Wish” Shoots All The Right Notes
[yasr_overall_rating] A family man becomes a vigilante killing machine when his family is violently attacked by robbers.
Movie Review: “Death Wish” Is A Satisfying Guilty Pleasure Of A Movie
[yasr_overall_rating] A family man becomes a vigilante killing machine when his family is violently attacked by robbers.