4K/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Reviews

DVD Review: “Betty Davis: They Say I’m Different” Shows The Life Of A Legendary Woman The World Wasn’t Ready For


Original Funk Queen Betty Davis took on 1970s establishment America and changed the course of women in music forever. Then she vanished. Forty years later, Betty, in a creative and constructed narrative, finally shares her extraordinary story.

The world simply wasn’t ready for a woman like Betty Davis. With her raw, explicit image, her music was too honest and too real for the industry. When many female groups were in cute little dresses singing about their long-lost love, Betty was on stage in hot shorts and boots belting out anti-love songs, released in 1973. She was bold, powerful and wrote her own lyrics where she owned her sexuality and refused to conform. When she completely disappeared, many wondered where she was, literally not knowing whether she was dead or alive.

In this amazing documentary, you get to experience the journey Betty took to becoming the pioneer of funk, which paved the way for so many other artists of my generation like Prince, who seemed to embody the exact same presence on stage. Interviews with ex-bandmates and childhood friends give you a sense of who Betty Davis was behind the image. Friends call her shy, private and remember being shocked when they saw her perform in sexy outfits, singing in a deep raspy voice because at home she was described as a quiet church-going girl. Her bandmates mention her as a strong feminist who displayed frustration with the music industry who denied her opportunities as a woman. Her brief marriage to jazz legend Miles Davis was mentioned as volatile and had a great effect on her personal life but it was also seen as very influential as Betty had a huge impact on not only Miles’ music, but the transformation in his image and the way he challenged himself as an artist.

When her father passed away, the world saw less of her until she simply vanished. As they finally get in touch with Betty, we never really know what happened to her all those years. We are left wondering, will she come back with new music and reconnect with her fans or remain a mystery? One thing is for sure, this story will definitely re-introduce you to one of the most powerful, influential musicians of funk ever!


Now available on DVD


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Malika Harris

Malika is a Writer from NYC who loves movies and talking about them.