“Nightbitch” is a mischievous, comedic drama about a woman who, thrown into the stay-at-home routine of raising a toddler in the suburbs, slowly embraces the feral power deeply rooted in motherhood as she becomes increasingly aware of the bizarre and undeniable signs that she may be turning into a dog.
Houston, here is your chance to win passes to an advance screening of the new horror comedy “Nightbitch,” starring Amy Adams. The screening will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 7 pm at the Edwards Houston Marq’E Stadium 23 & IMAX, 7620 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX. 77024. Seating is first-come, first-served, so please arrive early. To grab a pass, click on the poster below, follow the prompts, print out your pass, and bring it to the theater. Good luck!
This should be interesting and funny